Friday 16 December 2011

Magazine- First Draft.

These are the first drafts of my magazine. Here is my front cover, double page spreads and contents page. I have posted the drafts because i want to make changes to them as i do not feel that they are complete and that i can add more to them to make them look more like a magazine that is already being sold in shops. I feel that i will keep the basic layout of all 3 pages but just add or take away things that i feel dont go with the genre of music or that i have missed out. the colour scheme i will keep as i feel that it works well with the photos that i have taken and the text that i have written on my front cover. Havign a first draft allows me to do all of this without loosing the work that i have done previously and looking at my progress when i have finished my final product.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Article Draft.

This is my article draft. This will be put into my double page spread, adding any corrections if needed. Doing a draft allows me to make changes to it before i put it into my magazine double page spread making sure that there is no spelling mistakes and it is all gramtically correct. This will make my magazine look more profesional and realistic. I have had people look over it like my teacher to see if it is appropriate for an 'indie' music magazine and they agreed that it was something they would expect to see in an 'indie' magazine. I will not use all of this article as it will not fit onto one double page spread, i will choose what i want to put in my magazine what i think are the best questions and what makes it look like a good interview.

Article Draft

Monday 28 November 2011


This is a schedule of what i am going to do and make in media. I have planned out when i will complete all of the tasks i need to do by making a schedule so i am up to date with everything that i need to be doing. It also is like acheck list to make sure that i have completed tasks when i said i would complete tasks so i am not behind on the work that i need to do.


Monday 7 November 2011

Sell Lines.

These are all of my sell lines that i intend to use on my magazine. They are eyecatching to my target audience and will make them want to read my magazine because of what they say. Writing them out like i have will help me make my magazine front cover quicker, i can pick and chose what ones i want and base other parts of my magazine around the sell lines.

Sell Lines

Model Releases.

These forms are the things i have to get my model to sign in order for me to be allowed to use the iamges that i have taken in the photoshoot. By them signing this form it allows me to use any photo that i take of them. This is something that a real magazine would do if they wanted to take photos of an artist because you must have permission off the person before you take a photo of them.

Contact Sheets.

These are the contacts sheets of my photoshoot that i did inside of school. They are of my model george and jamie parfitt. I have made these contacts sheets so i can see all of my photos on one page clearly and numbered. This allows me to pick out the photos that i want to use for my magazine, this made it easier for me to do so. I made these in photoshop, a programme that i have been using througout the whole process of AS Media adding another skill to whati already know about how to use photoshop. Along with these contact sheets i have made my models fill out model releases stating that any photo i take of them i am allowed to use in my magazine coursework.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Target Audience

The target audience is the biggest part of my magazine, io have to do and write what i think my target audience will like. In this powerpoint i list the things that my target audience would usually do on the weekend, what type of lcothes that they wear and if they are still in education or not. By listing the things that i think my target audience will like i can work that around what i will and wont put into my magazine.
Target Audience

Monday 31 October 2011

Name Designs.

These are name ideas for my magazine. I changed the fonts and colours to see what one i liked the best and what one would suit the genre of music that i have chosen to do my magazine on.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Colour- Connotations.

This is a powerpoint on the colours that i have used in my magazine and why i have chosen those certain ones, why and what it means by choosing the colours and where i have used them appropriatley in my magazine. This also shows where the colours that i have chosen have been used in different magazines, magazines that are similar to the 'indie' music genre. The colour connotations is important because it helps me think about what coulours i can use on my front cover, contents and double page spreads. The colours that i have used in my planning of colour connotations are not the colours that i have actually used in my magazine, this is because i wanted my magazine to look different from other 'indie magazines but still fit the connotations of an 'indie' magazine.
Colours Connotations

Tuesday 18 October 2011

My Music Magazine Name Ideas.

Here is some music magazine names that are already out there, i have noticed that the names of the mgazines usually have something to do with what is inside the actual magazine.
Q Magazine
NME: The New Musical Express
Rolling Stone

After looking at all of those names i have realised that nearly all of them are short and relativly easy to remeber this made me think that my magazine has to have a name that everyone will remember and catchy.
These are the names that i have come up with:
Beat Route

Mood Board.

This is my mood board, this shows all the things that my target audience likes. It also includes all the clothesthat they like to wear and where they buy their clothes from. I talk about the bands that my target audience would like to listen to and where they would go to see them live or listen to them. Images are the main thing in this powerpoint pictures of gigs and festivals that my target audience would of probably been to. Inspiration is a slide on this powerpoint this shows the images that i like that are already in magazines and album covers, this helped me look at the type of images that NME and Q used so i could take my photos so they would look like mine that i am going to take in the near future. The iamges that i have put on there are things that my audience would relate to if it was that they have the same clothes as my model or that the festivals that i have shown they have been to this will make them wantto buy my magazine because they feel like that they have a connection with the artist on the front cover.

Mood Board

Sunday 16 October 2011


This is my proposal for my magazine that i am yet to make. In this powerpoint i talk about the genre of music that i am going to aim my magazine wround, the publishing company that i want to publish my magazine and audiences age and social types that i expect will want to read my magazine. The genre of music that i chose is important because the way that i make my magzine, what images i use and what artists i chose to use changes what look you go for and what type of person is going to buy your magazine. At the begining of the powerpoint you will see two


Product Research.

In this powerpoint i have evaluated 3 front covers, 3 double page spreads, and three contents pages. I have spoken about the colours, the photos and everything that is on the page that is eyecatching to their target audience. This will help me make my magazine because i can see what other magazines have used and why they have used them. By doing this i think the biggest thing that has helpped me is looking at the types of photos that have been taken and placed in certain places to make the magazine look more proffesional and eyecatching.
Product Research

Monday 10 October 2011

Key Concepts Report.

This is a prezi on the key concepts on the magazine NME. I looked at NME's audience, institution, concepts, representations and conventions. In this prezi i talk about all of those in detail allowing me to look at how NME is make and sold to their target adudience, who publishes the magazine and who i would want my magazine to be published by. This made making my magazine and choosing who was going to publish it easier because i knew who published such a well known and like magazine like NME.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Peliminary Task

Preliminary Task
For my Preliminary Task i had to produce a front cover and contents page for a magazine. I named my magazine Haydon Weekly.  I had to make sketches of my magazine before i made it on Photoshop. This gave me a template of what i was going to make in photoshop.
After that i took photos for my magazine using my class mates as models and taking them around the school , taking more than i needed so i had a variety to choose from. I uploaded them onto my computer and chose the ones that i wanted to use for my magazine. I chose to do a full bleed for my front cover, the picture of two students wearing formal wear ,this goes with my sell line about the new uniform for Haydon sixth formers. I used plain and simple colours in my magazine sticking to purples and blues. These are unisex colours so not just a girl or a boy would want to buy it but both would. I didn’t use any more than three colours otherwise there is too much going on, on one page. I used the text ‘Myriad Pro’ throughout the page just changing the colour and the size of the text this is because it stands out against the background picture and is easy to read. I added a drop shadow to some of the sell lines and masthead to make them stand out against the background because of the many different colours in the full bleed. Secondly, i started to make my contents page i have used 2 photos out of the many i took. I cut out one and placed it in a place where i thought was appropriate. I have kept the colour scheme and the layout of the page very simple and i do not feel a contents page needs alot of information its just there to tell you what is there in the magazine. I have used the line tool to separate parts of my contents page, this making it look professional and keeping it neat. In the bottom right hand corner of the contents page i have added a ‘more in this week’ box, this is a black box with bright pink writing inside to make it stand out so people can clearly see what else is in the magazine that week.